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“I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this so much!!! I look forward to starting my morning with my students and they love these and enjoy singing along to all of the songs! It's a wonderful way to kick off our mornings and provides consistency! Buy this, you'll love it and your students will too!”


Calendar time is one of my favorite times of the day. I teach calendar in the morning, and we are all excited for the day.

We cover so much more than just the date and days of the week.

What I absolutely love about my new calendar set is that I can pull it up on my computer and display it on the front board in the classroom. This is so helpful if you do not have a lot of wall space.

It is also so easy to use if you’re teaching virtually or homeschooling.

Everything is planned and prepped for you, and we target the exact math and reading skills we are working on each month.

These photos show September Morning Meeting:

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The morning meeting slides change with each season to incorporate beautiful photos and engaging prompts throughout the year.

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After we discuss our morning meeting slide, we move on to our calendar.

You can drag and drop the number cards to the correct day, and we talk about the pattern we see.

Three main holidays each month are included and birthday cards can be dragged and dropped.

Next, we practice our song about today is, yesterday was, tomorrow will be.

These days of the week can be dragged and dropped into place.

There is even songs included for each day so you can click and listen!

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Each month, I also include a few math and reading slides to practice skills.

These will get progressively more difficult each month as we progress through the year, and target exactly what we are working on.

Repetitive practice makes these foundational skills stick!

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This calendar is a growing bundle! Additional months will be added soon.

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