ANIMAL HABITAT Book Companions

We love learning about animals and their habitats.

These books are perfect for kindergarten - third grade children who want to learn more about where different animals live.


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We live in Idaho, so nowhere near the seashore, but my children love learning about this unique habitat.

The pictures in the Seashore book are so colorful, and it is the perfect amount of information for 5-10 year olds. I created these activity pages so they could practice “taking notes” and record facts they found interesting.

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I have found these simple book companion activities help comprehension so much.

We read each book a few times, and then we go through and we write three favorite facts (if you want to do more, just print multiple copies.)

For younger children, you can write in highlighter and they can trace. Older children can be independent with this activity.

The graphic organizer bubbles are for drawing or writing key vocabulary words.

I couldn’t believe when I saw that these books are only $4.99 each, and they are hard covers!

I tried to order more, but they were out of stock, so I am patiently waiting for them to come back. I will link all of the titles at the bottom of the this blog post.


animals that live underground

I made the exact same format for animals that live underground.

My kiddos love digging in the dirt and seeing what they can find, so they were thrilled to read this book and get to see that so many animals other than just worms and bugs live in the dirt.

I love the vocabulary they picked up so quickly too (like the word burrow.)

worms burrow dirt animal habitat

The pictures are fabulous, and I love that after we read the book together once or twice, the kids can be so independent with it. My seven year old curls up with these books and just loves looking at the pictures and reading all the facts (she loves animals.)


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The book about ponds was so neat! I even learned a lot.

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If you have preschool or kindergarten children who are not yet reading and writing on their own, have them use the bubbles to draw pictures. I made a few words traceable on the bubble page as well to build confidence.

I am so excited to share these activity pages with you free. I hope you love them as much as we do.

To purchase these adorable books that go with the printables, just click the links below.


If you’re lucky enough to find them in stock, UBAM also has Seasons, Bugs, Night and Day Animals, Dinosaurs, and Baby Animals.

I hope to grab them all soon, and I will update this blog post with printables to match them as well.



We love learning about animals!

See how we read, take notes, write about, craft and present animal reports!

You can even print the entire tiger unit for FREE!


Don’t see a book companion activity that you would like? Leave a comment and let me know.

Affiliate disclosure: I do receive a small commission if you purchase through my links, and this does not affect your transaction.

Purchasing books through my links will allow me to continue to offer high quality, free lessons to go with these beautiful Usborne books. Thank you for your support!

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